
Oh noes D:

Yes, to your disappointment, something funky happened with the comments button, preventing anyone from leaving a comment. It's quite depressing to the average blog lurker, I'm sure. So what am I going to to about it?


Absolutely nothing! Suck it up, big baby. You can read my blog without leaving your random opinion. Who needs it anyway?!


Just kidding. I would die without feedback from my fellow viewers (yes, all 4 or so of you)! Therefore I am currently working on getting this fixed, and in the mean time, you'll just have to live with it. If worse comes to worse then I'll just have to change my layout (AGAIN) and start from scratch.

Day 3 of blogging-week madness. Yes, this entry counts. Sorry folks, I lied in the previous entry... Unless you somehow found this entry "moderately amusing." I absolutely promise (and when I say "promise" I tend to keep it) that I'll write a legit entry tomorrow.

Until then, I'm over and out for today.


Alicia said...

testing, testing, 123...

Jill said...

Yay! I can comment now!

The layout is cool, but it's a bit dark. You should try a lighter colored one so that it doesn't look too... -insert adjective here-

Unknown said...

Haha! Success!

The layout is pretty fantastic - probably the best of all the blogs I check up on. Hm.