
"Great Expectations"

(...which, I should mention, is the most boring book in the world)
The leap from middle to high school is certainly a big one, especially in a school district such as mine. I honestly don't think they do enough to prepare us for high school, but I guess they assume that we can learn from our own mistakes (but sometimes making mistakes aren't enough. What if there's that one kid who just doesn't realize they're doing something wrong?! They need someone to bluntly put it to them: YOU'RE WRONG. Ah, anyway...).

The typical freshman usually enters high school with some preconceived notions about the first year, myself included. Obviously I'm not going to tell you exactly what I thought about how 9th grade year would be, but let's just say that we've only been in school for one month and everything I expected have proven to be mostly false, for better or for worse.

The biggest jump I've noticed is the dramatic increase in workload. There's more homework, long-term assignments, frequent tests, a profusion of writing AND reading assignments for English and even other subjects, you name 'em. I've personally never been a big fan of expending my efforts in vigorous studying and working (I look to optimize what little time I have each day, and yet I still feel pressed for time); therefore I have never really studied for tests and the such. That could possibly have been the biggest mistake I've made in my middle school years of habit-building. As soon as high school arrived, I began to see the effects of my slacking off. I now literally see papers flying at my face left and right, forcing me to smash my previous loose schedules and abandon the free time I used to take enjoyment in. And, as the world works, I find it necessary to study, or flunk. But of course, I shall take the higher being's path and look into the future, realizing that all this will HELP me in the future (eh... yeah right)!

After proofreading (yeah I know, who proofreads their blog entries? ME!) the above paragraph, I realized that it was all just a jumbled block of mixed thoughts. I'm thinking of deleting it all and rewriting it, but you blog readers will just have to deal with it, since it's 11PM already and I WANT TO SLEEP. You too, no?

5 days down, 2 to go!


Jill said...

Wow... Every year I am used to complaining too, but right now it's not that bad for me. Lol, let's wait until the elements project is due on the same day as a math project and PCR project... Oh well.

And I guess I'm the only one who actually studies in the 8th grade... Oh well

Unknown said...

Great Expectations is amazing - if you enjoy listening to people who won't shut up. As one of those people, I enjoyed it. Hooray.