
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

To be honest, I had never intended on actually participating in such a ridiculously impossible event. But, as it turns out, I was somehow suckered into participating, and now there's no way out...!

Basically, NaNoWriMo is exactly as its title might suggest: You are to write a 50,000 word (that's approximately 100 pages on a Microsoft Word Document, 12 pt. font) novel in 30 days during the National Novel Writing Month- which is, naturally, November. Now if you do the math, you would find out that in order to meet this requirement, one would have to type approximately 1,667 words EVERY SINGLE DAY, for all 30 DAYS.

What?! Yeah, that's right. It sounds ridiculous even to me, who spends most of their time procrastinating ranting on miscellaneous things. Also, I was a bit late to join, beginning my novel on the 5th of November, 5 days AFTER the official countdown had started. If you count up those missed days, that totals up to 8,335 words behind schedule. Now, today being the 9th of November, we are officially supposed to be up to count on a total of 15,003 words.Guess how many words I've written?

Roughly 4,000. That's not even half of what I had to catch up on. Can you say "officially screwed?" Of course, my nature being by default that of a procrastinator, things are not looking good for me as of present. Do I believe I can still hit the 50,000 words mark by the 30th of November? Perhaps, if I didn't have so many assignments in my normal English class. Every word I type out now is valuable, and I've come to face the sad truth that if I want to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, not every single sentence is going to be of my normal quality content. Oh well. So kids, remember to never procrastinate!

...and if you're up to the challenge of starting 15,000 words behind, I highly recommend that you take the challenge. Here's their official website: http://www.nanowrimo.org

Ack! The above 338 words could have been time spent writing words for my novel...!