

Warning: This entry may contain a large amount of ranting. If you were not expecting a rant, it's not too late to turn back and go to some other page... This is your last chance... Okay, here goes:

Why must the human nature be so... stubborn? As you can already infer from this title, this is about how people never change their old ways, either because they are too used to it, or they purposely do it, simply for the pleasure of seeing how others react. Now, before I go off on a tangent and start ranting about cheese or something, I'll steer myself back on topic by saying: just what exactly am I ranting about? Well, there's an easy answer:

One. Simple. Word.


For those who are going, "What?! 'Anyways' isn't a real word..?! Q.Q" Well, tough luck. It's not a word, and never will be (I hope... -gulp-). Really, in order to be grammatically correct, you must use the real form of this imaginary word, "anyway." NOTICE, THERE IS NO "S." YOU HEAR ME...?!Now, if this is news to you, do not despair! For I too, used to be a fan of the word "anyways." But alas, that was before I found out, that this word, despite its popularity, does not exist! From that point on, I made it my goal to correct those poor souls who still believe that such a word exists! You would not believe how many times I come across such popular usage of this word on a daily basis. I have already made it clear of my intolerance for this word to my friends and acquaintances-- And yet, they instead, have seen it as my main pet peeve, and have now turned it to their advantage! Oh, the horror of it all! (YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING TO...)

So be it. If they choose to use such a nonexistent word, then I shall not give more of a rat's cheese worth of thought on it. My opinion: Continuing to use the nonexistent word "anyways" in everyday life, whether because of old habit or for personal entertainment, shows immaturity and lack of true understanding of such a complicated language as English. Now, I can not say that I know everything there is to such a diverse language, but I do know this:


But whatever. "It's your future."
("itz ur brain." Only a few select people will actually understand the reference... But ANYWAY...)

Disclaimer: No, I usually don't make my rants this short. I wouldn't even call this a "rant..." But it will have to suffice.

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