
HUGE Updates, and... Winter Break!

First of all, yes it's been a long time. There are plenty of things to write about that I could be writing about that has happened in the past... what... 1 month that I've sadly ignored my blog, including fencing updates, school rants, grammar rants, rants on my newest hero/idol, who happens to be almost 200 years dead (VIVE L'EMPEREUR)...the possible topics are endless. Hopefully I'll have some time to write about all those promising  subjects at a later time. But for now, I'll stick to current events and gradually catch up, one topic at a time.

So, first thing's first. Happy (belated) Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, whatever seasonal holiday you celebrate. I hope everyone (or what little amount of people still bother to read this) is enjoying their nice winter break... And for those of you who are all freezing your butts off up in the Tri-State area, I'll be enjoying all the nice an sunny weather down here in FLORIDA!

That's right... I'm in Miami, b-insert censor here-tch. (no cookie for very obvious reference) :)

Actually I'll be traveling all around Florida to tour a few nice places, and it started this morning after waking up from a (not very) long 3-hour plane ride. Some areas of interest include: Everglade National Park (airboat tours), Miami Beach, Key West, Key Largos (which will include snorkeling and other water-related activities), and possibly even a visit to the legendary Ernest Hemmingway's house.

After finally finding a way to "borrow" internet connection from the hotel I am currently in (I mean seriously, charging 10 bucks for 1 hour of internet time?! Absurd.), I hope I can maintain this nightly internet connection for this period of 5 or so days so I can keep a journal of my adventures around Florida. Maybe I'll be able to post a few pictures later on, just to make you people who are standing in the freezing snow jealous.

...oh wait, that would be mean. :P


Jill said...

First!! :D

Yeah, it HAS been a while since you posted... But then again I haven't posted in my own blog since... October's a-post-a-day week. =)

.. Except no one has actually commented on mine, so bleh. >.<

Unknown said...

Blog updates! Hooray!!!

It's Chanukaza.

Kwanzaa until January 1st! Hooray!