
My Summer...

...is almost over. D:

A lot has changed over the summer. I have changed a lot over the summer. I've had the opportunity of going to numerous fencing camps, and even went to fencing summer nationals for the first time. I've said goodbyes to seniors, now freshmen in college, making them promise to visit during the school year. I've been to Forks, Washington, famed setting of those awfully cheesy vampire novels (which really is just a dead smalltown village that generates 99% of its annual revenue from Twilight marketing). I've discovered new things about the biggest mystery in my life: Myself. I've met plenty of new people, made plenty of new friends (and enemies), and eaten plenty of junk food. I know, that last one isn't something to be proud of. But amidst all these changes, there is one old habit that I still can't change about myself...


I just can't seem to stop procrastinating. Even with my school district starting school a week later than most other districts in the area, I'm still freaking about all the things I promised to get done over the summer, and still have not done. I promised I'd work on my art skills (I am terrible at human portraits, and my "anime" looks like a sketch-cartoon hybrid). Maybe even finish that novel I've been slowly dragging my feet to finish, of which the original idea was conceived with much enthusiasm but has now become more of a nuisance. But most importantly, I need to prepare for the first AP classes I will be taking this year, ever (chemistry, US history), and my summer reading books/notes feel hastily overlooked and rather neglected...

As always, while I had the whole summer to do this, I've decided that I will cram it all into the final hour... or in this case, the final week. Some things will never change. ><

...Actually, if these habits will never change, I can confidently say that the rest of my life will be miserable.

I'm glad I have no actual followers who continuously read my blog, because this entry is just one big rambling about my faults and regrets of what I should have done over this summer. I hope I don't find myself in any of those "should have done" situations during the school year though...

Despite my shortcomings, overall I think this has been quite an eventful summer. But don't get me wrong- that doesn't mean I anticipate school with any enthusiasm.



Yeah, it's been a while, and yes, I know, I never finished my Florida stuff from... when was that again? Oh, some time back. Sorry, I've decided not to finish that. No one wants to read that anyway, right? Anywho, in case there are still people who bother to read my ramblings, a lot has happened since then. Before I forget, I'll make a general list of it for later reference and ramblings:

  • Fencing
  • ...uh yep. That's about it. ^^"
  • ???
  • Profit!

First of all, the fencing season has come and passed, and basically was the highlight of the bulk of my school year thus far. I was lucky enough to experience being a member of our high school girls' fencing team, having existed for just a mere 4 years, at the peak of its glory. It's only just ended, and yet I find myself eagerly waiting for next season. Until then, I'll be sure to be going to fencing club and getting better. But now that the season's over... well, I'm not quite sure how to get back into the swing of things. I often find myself arriving home way to early to my liking, without the 2 1/2 hours of fencing practice to fill up time. And so I've chosen to fill it up ineffectively... such as with this post.

 Blah blah. Okay now I'm lazy. (ends post temporarily)