
The Last Day

It's finally over. The update-your-blog week has finally come to a close.

Am I free from this voluntary time-wasting curse? Perhaps; however, this new drive to write blog entries has now been ingrained into my subconscious self, and presently I feel as if I need to continue blogging often, if not daily. Whether or not this was your intention Emily, I do not know, but I have a strong hunch that this is what you hoped for...

AND I SHALL RESIST, for as long as I can! Because I simply do not have such time to blog as often as I did this week! My narrow schedule was consistently strained as I went out of the way to satisfy your blog-reading needs! I could ramble forever about the many pros and cons of this whole week-long event, but unfortunately I lack neither the time nor motive to do so. That being said, I'll just end the pain for myself and finish off this entry right now. Expect some scattered entries, but I wouldn't recommend checking back every day; you'll only find yourself disappointed. Maybe once a week, but that's not a promise.

Goodbye, crazy blogging week!


Banners, Amongst Other Things

Our theme for Homecoming is "A Night On Broadway," and as such, we chose a musical that would represent our grade. Since Student Council decided to hog all the popular musicals, we ended up choosing "West Side Story." Though our banner had a rough (and slow) start, with the help of the rest of the class officers and a couple point-seeking friends, we managed to make it in the end: after much hard work (as well as plenty of fooling around), our freshmen class banner is finally finished. Actually, I'm quite surprised that the end result turned out so... decent.

Being a class officer (I'm Treasurer) is tough work. Just for the record I'll put down a little common rumor: As Treasurer, you are not entirely in charge of the money or counting the revenues and whatnot. Heck, I don't even know how much money we have in our class funds (but I do know that we are no longer in debt!). The 5 class officers all just share the duties, and the only officer who really has a specific job would probably be the Historian, who takes all the pictures (but truthfully we haven't taken very many yet). It's an implied duty to be present at EVERY single event, but although the responsibility is huge, it's actually quite good to know that I'm accomplishing something for my class. Even as I type this, I realize that we have a Powderpuff meeting this Sunday (yes, that's a weekend day) to choreograph and finalize the act. Finalizing... at their first rehearsal. In case you didn't know, Powderpuff day is basically when the roles of the men and women are reversed-- the girls play football, and the guys do cheers. Yes, imagine a bunch of guys in cheerleading uniforms chanting encouragement to the female football players. It'll be great, except for one teensy problem...

We have a total of 3 participating guys, and a bunch of overzealous girl choreographers.

Way to support your class, guys.

Anyway, I also just realized that it is 15 minutes to midnight and I have piano lessons first thing tomorrow morning. Whoops... But on the bright side, I only have to keep this blogging thing up for one more day...!


"Great Expectations"

(...which, I should mention, is the most boring book in the world)
The leap from middle to high school is certainly a big one, especially in a school district such as mine. I honestly don't think they do enough to prepare us for high school, but I guess they assume that we can learn from our own mistakes (but sometimes making mistakes aren't enough. What if there's that one kid who just doesn't realize they're doing something wrong?! They need someone to bluntly put it to them: YOU'RE WRONG. Ah, anyway...).

The typical freshman usually enters high school with some preconceived notions about the first year, myself included. Obviously I'm not going to tell you exactly what I thought about how 9th grade year would be, but let's just say that we've only been in school for one month and everything I expected have proven to be mostly false, for better or for worse.

The biggest jump I've noticed is the dramatic increase in workload. There's more homework, long-term assignments, frequent tests, a profusion of writing AND reading assignments for English and even other subjects, you name 'em. I've personally never been a big fan of expending my efforts in vigorous studying and working (I look to optimize what little time I have each day, and yet I still feel pressed for time); therefore I have never really studied for tests and the such. That could possibly have been the biggest mistake I've made in my middle school years of habit-building. As soon as high school arrived, I began to see the effects of my slacking off. I now literally see papers flying at my face left and right, forcing me to smash my previous loose schedules and abandon the free time I used to take enjoyment in. And, as the world works, I find it necessary to study, or flunk. But of course, I shall take the higher being's path and look into the future, realizing that all this will HELP me in the future (eh... yeah right)!

After proofreading (yeah I know, who proofreads their blog entries? ME!) the above paragraph, I realized that it was all just a jumbled block of mixed thoughts. I'm thinking of deleting it all and rewriting it, but you blog readers will just have to deal with it, since it's 11PM already and I WANT TO SLEEP. You too, no?

5 days down, 2 to go!


3 Tips When Typing an Assignment...

(When I say periodically, I mean every 2 minutes as if you're a paranoid schizophrenic)
2. Make sure that u dont randomly add ch4tsp33k into your essays. Teachers hate it. Not that I would evar do something liek dat...
3. Play Typer Shark. It'll improve your average wpm. (I swear, that's how I got my 120 wpm!)
4. Just kidding about number 3.

So you probably want to know the reason why I'm offering such helpful advice without a request first (as you know, I usually don't readily spew my vast knowledge to just any ol' person... Ahahaha, no. Just kidding, again. Why am I writing this all in parentheses? Oh well, probably just another subconscious effort to make this post longer). Well let's just say I had, oh, an assignment for school in which I had to type an entire email in French. As is obvious, French is not my first language. Heck, it's not even my second or third. (Sarcasm is my third language, obviously) Yes, that means it takes a great deal of effort to type in said language, especially when you want to throw in all the proper accents.

Of course, I spent a good 30 or so minutes working on this email, hoping that my French pen pal would appreciate that I typed more than two sentences, as mostly everyone else in my class did. Proud of my work, I hastily clicked the "send" button... and just as the thought of "Gee, I should really copy and paste this entire email into a word document, just in case..." crossed my mind...

The page refreshed.

And my session timed out.

Meaning I had lost all of my work.

At this point I was ready to smash my desk in half with my forehead. The only place I had written this email was, of course, on my email processor. Naturally they had the "save as draft" function, which again, I was careless enough to not use. So guess what I had to do?

...Yep, type the whole darn thing over again. What a great way to spend another 20 minutes (which according to my schedule, should have been used for math homework).

So the moral of this story is? Always save your work before you do anything else, folks!

P.S. Day *4* of unofficial blogging week. More than halfway there now...! Sorry for such late updates.


Oh noes D:

Yes, to your disappointment, something funky happened with the comments button, preventing anyone from leaving a comment. It's quite depressing to the average blog lurker, I'm sure. So what am I going to to about it?


Absolutely nothing! Suck it up, big baby. You can read my blog without leaving your random opinion. Who needs it anyway?!


Just kidding. I would die without feedback from my fellow viewers (yes, all 4 or so of you)! Therefore I am currently working on getting this fixed, and in the mean time, you'll just have to live with it. If worse comes to worse then I'll just have to change my layout (AGAIN) and start from scratch.

Day 3 of blogging-week madness. Yes, this entry counts. Sorry folks, I lied in the previous entry... Unless you somehow found this entry "moderately amusing." I absolutely promise (and when I say "promise" I tend to keep it) that I'll write a legit entry tomorrow.

Until then, I'm over and out for today.


A new layout?!

So I've decided that my plain green-themed default blog layout was quite boring, so I'm going to try something NEW! This current one is only temporary, as I am currently searching for one that is more to my liking. However, this one isn't bad, and if it seems that people actually are fine with it then I might just keep it. Keep me updated on any suggestions you might find though!

On a note completely unrelated to the topic title, it is now officially day 2 of my insane friend's unofficial holiday of "Update your blog every day of the week week," and I have yet to blog about something useful and/or interesting. I assure you, I shall find something of moderate interest tomorrow. Really.

...I think.


Once upon a time...

there was a girl named Emily. She was obsessed with reading blog entries, and so demanded an entire week of daily updates, dubbing the week as a holiday: "Update-Your-Blog-Every-Day-of-the-Week week. Here's yours from me today. Cheers.

And don't forget to study for that Odyssey test.


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Also known as the day when you can eat a bunch of assorted pastries of various exotic flavors called MOONCAKES!
Looks delicious, doesn't it.

So, being the slightly-disconnected-from-my-heritage-one, I didn't even know that today was the Mid-Autumn Festival. But obviously I now do, since I'm writing about it, right? Anyhow, my family and I were invited to one of "those" parties where all the parents gather to drink and talk and laugh and karaoke their hearts out, their mouths molded in a perpetual "O" as if wanting to devour the microphone, which in turn blasts their contrasting high and piercing (women) and booming and low (men) oh-so WORLD-CLASS voices through speakers that are turned just a little too high for my taste (yeah, I know I should have edited that last sentence to be less of a run-on, but some people wanted an update, and at midnight I'm making this as quick as possible). On a related note having perfect pitch is a hard life, really.

The worst part is that I didn't even eat a whole mooncake! Oh, the horror! But the truth of the matter is...

They're not very tasty, in my not-so-humble opinion.
Oh well.

So in lieu of mooncakes, we ate random other oriental foodstuffs such as pork, sticky rice cake, rice, duck, ice cream, rice, and RICE! Nah, I actually didn't eat that much rice. Some other highlights include watching "Scary Movie" (if there's one movie I never want to see again, it's this one), being owned at SSBM, being owned at manhunt, being owned at life-- wait no, that's not right...

Overall, I'd say I had a pretty good time. To sum it all up, here's a brief non-artistic poem from the depths of an insomniac mind, about the gloriously scintillating full moon tonight:


I rest; I can not sleep
I look; I can not see
anything but
a sky, painted black
clouds, haphazard and grey
but there is also
a luminous sphere
'tis quite blinding, I fear.
Shining light
that it does not own
but nonetheless, bright.
The single ray of radiance
in my world of night.

Please, no comments about my rather melancholy writing style; I'll write something more cheery only when the mood strikes. kkthxbai.

PS: As a side note, I thought I'd mention that starting tomorrow, apparently I'm obliged to update my blog every day of the week. The length of the post is not specified, so no complaining if I write a 2-sentence entry. :D